
1° visit 50 €
Panoramic X-ray 50 €
Cephalometric  X-ray 50 €
Maxillary Expansion 1000 €

Aligners for children

Spark First (with primary teeth) 2850 €
Spark Teen (with definitive dentition) 4200 €

Aligners for adults

The following prices include the visits and the retention appliances (not the X-ray)

Type Number of trays Treatment time Price
Spark 10
Alignment of the front teeth only
1 to 10 6 to 8 months  2200 €
Spark 20
Alignment of all the teeth, moderate movements
1 to 20 8 to 12 months  3200 €
Spark Advanced
Alignment of all the teeth, complex movements with or without extractions.
unlimited 12 to 24 months  4200 €